lørdag 10. april 2021

See no Evil, hear no Evil (1989)

Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. 2 geniuses. Though this was the 80's. It could still suck. Most things were bad back then.

Firstly, the comedy. The fight-scene is the stuff of legend, and there are plenty of laughs around. Mostly in the first 45 minutes, unfortunately. Pryor is the pure-bred asshole with a big mouth, and Wilder has his trademark wiseassery. And when he gets irritable and sarcastic, he's even better. Nobody did sarcasm better. It would have been an advantage if they'd written a dialogue worth having for some of the other characters too, though. 

Pryor isn't particularly good at playing blind, but he has great chemistry with Wilder. The latter is the true star of this film, however. He brings a warmth and vulnerability to the film that is much needed to avoid that it becomes a simple spoof with one-dimensional characters. And for the completionist, there is a rather young Kevin Spacey as a buffoonish criminal. 

Like most comedies from this decade, it is a bit hectic at times. That doesn't really suit it, as most of its better scenes are the two main characters interacting when the script is good. Oh. And since it's the 80's, there is of course a car chase on pavements that wreaks havoc on much food.  

So, it does have a good concept, and some great laughs. Still, the limitations of the horrid decade are there to see, and unfortunately they keep the film from being the true classic it could have been. Though there were always titties in those years. However, the jokes drown and disappear in the frantic need to have car-chases and some rather contrived suspense. Apart from the scene with two blind men with a gun each, trying to shoot each other in a closed room of course.


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