tirsdag 25. oktober 2016

Wanted (2008)

If you want some lame, youthful looking loser to whine incessantly, why divert from Shia LeBoeuf? James MacAvoy plays the younger and exceptionally less funny version of Lester Burnham. And voice-over galore. Baby-Burnham does have his moments, but they can never quite compare to the original.

This is one of those films that doesn't really play on anyone being a superhero. However, they choose to disregard the laws of physics and probability to an exceptional degree, even when not relying on the "powers" of our friends. Meaning the set-pieces are extravagant but whimperingly stupid, an effect emphasized by overuse of slow-motion.

Another thing that lacks believability is the development of our protagonist. It takes him a stapler and a fat boss to go straight from loser to rockstar. MacAvoy isn't all bad. The script is, though. "Let your instincts guide you"? Even George Lucas at least made a faint attempt at explaining how his attempted superpowers work.

I can understand why Angelina Jolie would do this flick, as she is reported to be somewhat crazy and her acting skills are limited. Her part here is impossible to grasp in any logical way as the director is much more interested in showing off her naked skin than any depth. So cudos for that then, I suppose. But why would Morgan Freeman get involved? Surely he must have been sent a script at some point?

Danny Elfman composed a great theme for this film, and that adds to a few of the scenes, but mostly the music is the kind of crap rock you would expect in a Michael Bay-flick.

This film tries so hard, and does everything to the extreme. The set-pieces, the violence, the cruelty. It so badly wants to be cool. As it is, it's hardly even slick. And the twist is so unfathomably disconnected from the story, that it's hard to believe that it was all written by the same guy.

So, are there any redeeming features? Yes, it's not badly cast and it has plenty of action. And I must admit, the trick with the rats is very cool. See? Low-tech ftw!


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