lørdag 8. juni 2013

Finding Nemo (2003)

Of the animated flicks, none have as grim a start as "Finding Nemo". Life's cruel realities thrown in your face within seconds. Apart, perhaps, from Tim Burton, but that is stop animation.It doesn't last very long though, but sets a nice background for Marlin's obsessive behaviour towards his only son.

And, as most often with Pixar, there is a grand adventure, a great distance to be travelled and many exciting new friends to discover. Most of them done nicely.

The imagery is stunning, and perfectly fitted to the short tones of Thomas Newman. A score that works for the film, but is a bore alone. All the more credit to the animators. 

The greatest problem with this flick is the lack of laughs. Though it is light-hearted, there are very few good jokes, and a total lack of clever jokes. DeGeneres does her usual stressed-out annoying self. But there are no good lines for her and that fact she can't remember anything adds very little. Actually little enough to make you wonder why they would add that feature at all. That goes for a lot of the scenes. The vegetarian sharks. Smart idea, but nothing funny comes from it. At all.

There are also a bit too many pieces of small fishes being chased by big fishes. Sure, that is what life is like in the ocean, but in an animated feature you would think they could come up with something more interesting.

A lot of things are happening though, and "Finding Nemo" is never a boring film (and it is definitely cute), it just has too low highs.The emotional parts are great, however. With just the right amount of sentimentality, it tugs at your strings with perfect regularity and strength.

A most charming film, without really succeeding as a comedy on any level.


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