That aside: The opening, as is so crucial to the Bond-films, is quite OK. A hint of darkness followed by a tedious car chase (no wonder, Bond is letting the woman drive) and a better motorcycle-chase (with one awesome stunt). Then it's off to fight on moving trains again. Not bad, and let's face it: How are they going to come up with something that has never been done before? The finish is brilliantly tense so the let-down of Adele can provide a little contrast.
And the suspense is what Mendes does best. This movie will have you at the edge of your seat for an amazing part of its running time. 143 minutes actually makes it the second longest Bond ever, falling one minute short of Casino Royale (and one minute longer than OHMSS). A particular highlight is the courtroom-scene, both in build-up and execution. Mind you, Mendes would never make a mindless action-festival and I reckon a lot of the extra minutes are for a few good dialogues and build-ups. Fiennes and Dench provide an early highlight as their first scene is so exceptionally British in culture and language it is a triumph to the Crown, no less.
The point of introducing Fiennes though, is to get a new M. Fiennes seems to fit the bill perfectly. The old soldier gone bureaucrat with just the right amount of righteousness. He reminds me a lot of the iconic Bernard Lee's Admiral Sir Miles Messervy (only much younger) and I very much look forward to seeing more of him him in the future.
Bond himself starts off beaten and tired (most Bond-actor get at least one chance at this). Newly shot with fragments to show for it and with a solid intake of alcohol (straight from the bottle is never a good sign for a protagonist). A necessary condition as Mendes has plenty of focus on M and Bond being too old and about to be replaced. To get some fresh perspective, he opts for a very young Q. Swing and miss. Let's hope they correct that until the next time.
But what happened with the villain? With such brilliant characters to follow as Dr. No, Auric Goldfinger, Blofeld etc who is this sissy Javier Bardem trying to portray? He looks like a disenchanted Mr. Wint. And Mr. Wint was hardly even a memorable henchman! Nowhere near worthy of the "shadow" of a person they want to portray before he finally shows up.
Bardem also has the least megalomanical plot a villain in Bond has ever had. Come on, where's the panache? Bond-villains are supposed to be a threat to all democracy and/or life on earth. All this guy wants do to is shoot a little old lady. Lame.
That's not the only place Mendes fails to demonstrate Bond-values. Where are the dead-pan jokes and gambling? And why the hell don't we hear Bond order his drink? It's right there on the bar! There's also a bit too little strut for my taste, but I suppose that's fitting as Bond is supposed to look old and beaten. Oh well, at least they remembered to kill whichever woman Bond beds in the first half of the film.
But Albert Finney comes just in time to bring a decent (though hardly original - look no further than Batman's butler) and warm character to life. And then follows another show-down of great suspense, perfectly portrayed as the trio of run-down "old people" use nothing but ancient military tactics and weaponry to overcome the many henchmen.
Sam Mendes has made a very good thriller with great tension and flair. But he forgot a lot of what makes a Bond-movie, and as an exceptional Bond-fan, I can't overlook that. As a film, it's very entertaining though.
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