The cars and the stars...
Lamborghini, Ferrari, Chevrolet, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, hell even the police drive Trans-Am's. Oh, and for some reason that stupid little Subaru is there.
Roger Moore, Burt Reynolds, Farrah Fawcett, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis jr., Jackie Chan, Jack Elam, Adrienne Barbeau, Peter Fonda.
If analyzed the jokes are a bit far apart, and many aren't really that funny either, so as a comedy it's not really that good. The threat of "Him" and when "Him" actually appears is the main course (and the blooper reel). DeLuise is entertaining at times and Reynolds making fun of him is also slightly amusing. The pop-cultural references are a-plenty and half the characters are parodying themselves.
Though it lacks the charm from "Smokey and the Bandit" it makes up for some of it in an absolute mass of fantastic cars and some of the finest stunt-driving of the decade. Besides, it's a delight not having Jackie Chan speak any English. And the sound of those engines... God, it makes me hate modern cars so very, very much.
Not too mention the exceptionally gorgeous women in attire that makes you absolutely certain no straight female was supposed to like this film. Some interesting set-pieces and a, for its time, gigantic fight scene makes for decent entertainment at times, but this really is about the cars. If you don't like those, there is little reason to see this film, other than the massive amount of stars making a mockery of themselves (apart from Chan, he still kicks everyones ass... in style).
Oh, and it is naturally a cult movie, though that is not necessarily equivalent with quality.
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