Though nowhere near a classic, I do find this flick somewhat enjoyable. There is plenty of action, some snickers, and (most surprisingly) a memorable score.
Hugh Jackman was made to play this part, and gives us his second-best Wolverine. Personally, I find it enough. Beckinsale is hot and sassy and David Wenham quite unnecessary... Though at least he is not Shia Lebouf. Richard Roxburgh certainly looks the part of Dracula, but he really does not show enough variations throughout. Dracula is not a mindless thug, and needs a bit more depth and flair.
I'm not certain Summers wants us to take this movie seriously. At times it tries to show a bit of seriousness as a monster movie, but other times (such as the ridiculous slo-mo introduction of Beckinsale and her sword...) it's as daft as Wayne Rooney in a whorehouse. Sometimes the humor seems to have self-irony and flair, other times it's just lame. Perhaps some of the reason the movie fails to find a path is due to Summers' inability to create suspense without pace, or the more significant inability to create characters with depth. Even in tragedy, he barely makes a scratch on the surface, and by creating so much personal tragedy for some of the characters, one expects him to do something with it. Or perhaps he's just mean.
Spending two hours with "Van Helsing" is not without its perks, though. A standout scene is the repertoire between the excellent Coltrane and a most arrogant and cocky Jackman. There are also some decent set pieces (and goth-lovers will drool relentlessly over the costumes). The music is brilliantly dramatic and Silvestri really combines the blaring horns with some extreme percussion for full effect. With some effective choral arrangements and violins where needed Silvestri delivers. Perhaps not quietly suspenseful where it could be but still a fantastic installment.
All in all "Van Helsing" is quite amusing with a mix of monster-classics, X-Men and James Bonds gadgetry, but to call it quality is taking it too far.
P.S. If you can't be bothered to fine some sub-zero location for the actors, at least have the decency to make their frosty breath look less obviously CGI.